MEME Project.
Addressing both thinking and feeling in math.
Multiplier Effects in Math Education
The MEME Project’s goal is to produce better educational outcomes by increasing motivation, learning, and self-regulation. How? By combining motivational, cognitive, and metacognitive interventions in different learning environments that support diverse student populations especially low performing and underrepresented students.
Improving Math Motivation
Utility-value interventions are grounded in social and developmental psychology theory. The expectancy-value model (Eccles & Wigfield, 2002) postulates students are more likely to succeed if they expect to succeed, and if they value the subject being learned.
Grounded in Research
Our goal is to address the whole child by enhancing math skills and learning dispositions through data -driven improvements and adapting/improving available tools.
Collaborate with us.
Let’s work together! Help us help students become more confident, more motivated, to believe in themselves, to reach success!