MEME Tutor

Multiplier Effects in Mathematics Education


Step-by-Step Teaching

The MEME Tutor helps students learn algebraic modeling as illustrated here, with a step-by-step process focused on helping students think through the problem.


Deliberate Practice

Our research has shown students learn better when they get deliberate practice on the problems they got wrong. Deliberate practice helps student motivation and performance by tailoring tasks, giving explanatory feedback, and providing opportunities for repetition. The substitution task seen here has been shown to help students write complex algebra expressions.


Quantity Animator

The Quantity Animator puts algebra learning in the fun and useful
context of computer programming. Students use algebra to program
animations and in the process, they get practice with meaningful visual
feedback to support their understanding.

QA Intro.png

Game-like Experience

The Quantity Animator provides a game-like experience to students including leveling up when they complete a set of problems.


Interactive Animation

When students enter an algebraic expression, it drives the animation. If the algebra is correct, the animation will appear as described in the problem situation. If the animation is wrong, the student figures out why, with the help of the tutor. They modify the expression until the animation is correct.


Personalized Hints

The Quantity Animator gives personalized hints based on a student’s answer. This feedback helps nudge students in the right direction and increases learning speed and incentive.


Here’s a demo!

This is a video walkthrough of some problems in the Quantity Animator tutor.


Want to see more?

Quantity Animator is still in the testing phase. We would love to collaborate with schools to improve QA’s performance and help students learn better.